Always loved driving but have no company? Or is it that you cannot stay awake during long drives? This will help to solve all this!
- Enjoy the drive. Talk to family members or friends. Crack jokes, sing-along, laugh and be merry!
- Listen to some music while you drive.
- Have a good store of drinks, juice,snacks or food,etc.
- Get some coffee to keep yourself awake!
- Make sure you are comfortable, take off your shoes, wear slippers.
- Keep yourself occupied.
- Be sure to have your seat belt on!
- Don't speed. This will endanger yourself and others. Better to be late then never.
- Keep your eyes on the road!
- Do not text your friends. Talking to them over the phone is much safer.
- If you find yourself getting sleepy, stop the car and stretch yourself or take a short walk to energize again.
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Great tips! Thanks! Can't wait for May to use the Lexus for my wedding!